Smiling Faces

Smiling Faces

A few years ago a group of women came to speak to our church about Strong Tower Orphanage. Because I knew some of these women personally, I also knew that they were speaking from the heart. As if there could be any doubt! They told us of challenges and celebrations,...



Psalm 116: 1-2 “I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.” That was today’s verse on my Daily Bible Verse app. It reminded me of my mission trip to Haiti and of the...

A Picture of the Gospel

A Picture of the Gospel

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.” Psalm 68:5 I went to Caracol, Haiti for the first time when I was 16, a few years before Strong Tower opened. My time in Haiti was beautiful and wonderful and heartbreaking and inspiring...

Welcome to the Strong Tower Haiti Blog

Welcome to the Strong Tower Haiti Blog

Welcome to the Strong Tower Haiti blog! My name is Liz Ambrose and I have volunteered to coordinate the Strong Tower Haiti blog and I’d like to share my personal Strong Tower Haiti journey with you! The Lord first called me to care and advocate for children and...