Get to know the Strong Tower Board of Directors!

Kathy Youkey

1.) What is your “why” for being a board member?

“ A) I am able to give more than $ to the ministry. Giving of our time is an important offering to the Lord. B) I am able to support and add my voice to the Executive director. The body of Christ is made up of many members and no one should shoulder their life and their walk by themselves.”

2.) What do you enjoy about being a Strong Tower board member?

“A) Meeting and getting to know other like-minded Christians in the ministry B) I get to hear how the Lord is moving in other parts of the country and in others’ lives”

3.) Do you have a favorite Strong Tower memory?

“Although I have never been able to visit STH, I do have a favorite memory.  Years ago I was at a “dare to dream what the Lord can do” meeting at church. Lorie Holt stood up and voiced her dream of starting an orphanage. She felt that the Lord was putting this on her heart. My first thought was “Boy, that’s different!” I was prepared to hear dreams of buses for the church, more church programs, but an orphanage?!  My thinking was narrowed to imagining an orphanage in my immediate vicinity. I must admit I was one of those “oh, ye of little faith” people!   I’m still in awe of what has become of that one dream on that one night!