Get to know the Strong Tower Board of Directors!
Terry Sunnarborg
1.) What is your “why” for being a board member?
“I went to Carocol on a Vacation Bible School mission trip a few years ago and when I saw the smiles and love on the faces of the girls in STH family care, I knew the mission of STH was real and blessed by God. A year later, when Lorie Holt asked me to be a member of the board I knew God was calling me to help the ministry in this season.”
2.) What do you enjoy about being a Strong Tower board member?
“Being on the board of Strong Tower has allowed me to see God at work first hand in the ministry. To see the prayers for the welfare of the girls and needed financial support be answered in unexpected ways has given me a glimpse of a great God and how he blesses in mysterious ways.”
3.) Do you have a favorite Strong Tower memory?
“My favorite Strong Tower memory has to be my Vacation Bible School mission trip. It was truly amazing to see a group of people that are enduring very real economic challenges have such joy, happiness, and love for the Lord despite their situation. To see their unwavering faith beaming through their challenging circumstances helps me recage my perspective and remember our faith in the Lord goes beyond our personal circumstances.”